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LGBTIQ applicants in asylum systems

Fact Sheet No 27

Based on the Asylum Report 2024, the fact sheet presents national and EU-level developments affecting LGBTIQ asylum applicants.


Iran - Country Focus

The report covers a general overview on the country including the system of government, political situation and state authorities in chapter one, the legal system and the judiciary including detention and prison conditions in chapter two, security situation in chapter three, treatment of certain


2023 Consolidated Annual Activity Report

2023 Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR), adopted by the EUAA Management Board on 21 June 2024

2023 Consolidated Annual Activity end of year report of the European Union Agency for Asylum.


EUAA Final Annual Accounts 2023

Annual accounts of the European Union Agency for Asylum 2023

The annual accounts of the European Union Agency for Asylum 2023 contain financial information on the activities of the year, the assets and liabilities, the revenue and expenditure of the Agency. They are produced in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards.


Data analysis of decisions on asylum applications and recognition rates at second or higher instances in 2023

Fact Sheet No 26

This fact sheet analyses data on decions and recognition rates for appealed cases. The information complements data on first instance decisions which are presented in the Asylum Report 2024.


Study into the early utilisation of the ESQF

Study into the early utilisation of the European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Asylum and Reception Officials


Asylum Report 2024: Executive Summary

A summary of the Agency's flagship report, which presents a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in 2023. It summarises changes to policies, practices and legislation, with examples of case law.

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The personal interview in the asylum procedure

Fact Sheet No 25

Based on the Asylum Report 2024, the fact sheet presents developments related to the personal interview of an asylum applicant.
